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Roles Who Shepherds
Not Seek The Lord, This

Roles who I said to the people of Judah, "Gather your things; you are surrounded. The Lord said these troubles will lead to your capture, and he will throw you from this land like a rock from a sling.

"The people answered, "We are wounded and doomed to die. Why I said to the people of Judah, “Gather your things; you are surrounded. The Lord said these troubles will lead to your capture, and he will throw you from this land like a rock from a sling. Roles who shepherds.

” The people answered, “We are wounded and doomed to die. Why did we say we could stand the pain? Our homes are destroyed; our children are dead. No one is left to help us find shelter. 

”But I told them, “Our leaders were stupid failures , because they refused to listen to the Lord. And so we’ve been scattered like sheep. “Sounds of destruction rumble from the north like distant thunder. Soon our towns will be ruins where jackals live.” Jeremiah 10:17-22

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  All Scriptures are from the Contemporary English Version 


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