Roles Blessing From
God Upon
Those Who Do What Is Right, His
Roles blessing You bless those people who are honest and fair in everything they do. Remember me, Lord, when you show kindness by saving your people.
Let me prosper with the rest of your chosen ones, as they celebrate with pride because they belong to you.
Roles blessing.
We and our ancestors have sinned terribly. When they were in Egypt, they paid no attention to your marvelous deeds or your wonderful love. And they turned against you at the Red Sea.
But you were true to your name, and you rescued them to prove how mighty you are. You said to the Red Sea, Dry up! Then you led your people across on land as dry as a desert. You saved all of them and drowned every one of their enemies. Psalm 106:3-11
Roles Integrity
Roles God
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