Highest Roles
Of Duty
In Good Leadership
Highest roles These are the last words of David the son of Jesse. The God of Jacob chose David and made him a great king. The Mighty God of Israel loved him. When God told him to speak, David said:
The Spirit of the Lord has told me what to say. Our Mighty Rock, the God of Jacob, told me, "A ruler who obeys God and does right is like the sunrise on a cloudless day, or like rain that sparkle son the grass.
Highest roles of duty.
"I have ruled this way, and God will never break his promise to me.
God’s promise is complete and unchanging; he will always help me and give me what I hope for. But evil people are pulled up like thorn bushes. They are not dug up by hand,7 but with sharp spear and are burned on the spot. 2 Samuel 23:1-7
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